jueves, abril 01, 2010

Everything changes

Starting today, the first of April, begins a new way of blogging in here. This week, after more than four years writing in Spanish (if can be said so) I took a decision: I am writing in English for the future. I think is time to improve the topics of this blog and the audience so, thinking about all those people I met in all the conferences around the world, I will change the way of being of this blog: It will only have articles in English and no more fights.

So maybe, if you like the old posts, you should have a backup of them because probably this blog will completely disappear. FOCA is already in English, MetaShield is also in English so this blog must be in English too. And now I feel confidence enough for writing in English. Probably the frequency of posts will decrease, just because I don’t believe on being able to write every day, as I’ve been doing in Spanish, but that´s the price I have to pay in exchange.

I also think that the day must be today, because, “I don´t know why”, a lot of things happen around the world… Future, there I go…

Evil Greetings!

41 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

mmmm.....do you think , it will have the same popularity ??

A ver...que los chistes no seran iguales!!!...

oreidomar dijo...

Kudos and good luck!

JJ dijo...

Come on!!! we will miss your post everyday and in Spanish this place was the only interested one in Spanish .... at least a few jokes in Spanish please.
To be serious I wish the best in this new era in English, pero por favor continua haciendo todo lo que puedas para postear todos los días que te echaremos de menos si no :)

eduardo dijo...

Un interesante nuevo giro ... Sí, si quieres que alguien de fuera de España lo lea, no te queda otra.

Suerte, Chema.

JJ dijo...

Por cierto me ofrezco a traducir tus entradas en mi blog si quieres :)

Anónimo dijo...

Leaving your grammar and spelling mistakes (and in general any linguistic oddities this blog post contains) aside, I'd bet my ass that this decision is heavily influenced by today's date ;)

Unknown dijo...

Are you FOOL in this DAY? ;-)

Alife dijo...

April Fool's... :)

José María dijo...

I don't really believe you. I think April Fools' Day has something to do with today's post, there is also a suspicious tag...

Anyway if this is really true... go on, i'll continue reading you, it would good for my english too :D

Greetings ;-)

JOS dijo...

WTF!!! really?
In fact, we'll see what the future guards for you writting in english! good luck!

Anónimo dijo...

Llu ar fuul.

Unknown dijo...


Is 1st of April Fool Day in Spain, too? I think this is a joke. Nice try :))

FilEMASTER dijo...

ok, definitely you have earned no more hughs at all :/

Anónimo dijo...

Evil greetings???? WTF!!

allblas dijo...

tags: FOOLISH? jajjajaja
q sabemos q es 1 de Abril ;)

Anónimo dijo...

Ya te vale!

Anónimo dijo...

hji frendts, mi need help plz, mine conputter no work

thanks of beforearm

Chema Alonso dijo...

oh my fucking shit!!! One lysthenhing!!!!

Ole dijo...

April's FAIL day Chema. Will you also change Nolusers to english too? xDD

Unknown dijo...

El principe gitano ... is back!

tayoken dijo...

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Anónimo dijo...

La idea no es mala, haz las entradas en bilingüe, como tambien se ha puesto ha hacer David Carrasco

Anónimo dijo...

perdon, sin h la segunda "a hacer". ida de dedos

Anónimo dijo...

Un investigador español deberia dar sus resultados en español no crees? Eso de que "translators are traitors" no le suena a nadie?? jeje
Y lo digo como fiel seguidor de este blog, que tanto aprendi con el...
y ahora tanto me costara.

Anónimo dijo...

no me jodas.... traicionando a tu lengua y a tu patria...:@

Unknown dijo...

¡¡ Happy April Fool's Day (in USA) !!

xD ;)

Anónimo dijo...

Qué perro! Casi me lo creo!!!


Anónimo dijo...

"but that´s the price I have to pay in exchange"

Toda la razón. Barato, lo que es barato el exchenge no es. it's pricey.

Javier Jiménez dijo...

WTF ... I read in spanish because "me da gueva" read it in english.

And the blog's name ? change it too ...




Anónimo dijo...

i think that is committing a error for not use your lenguage maternal

Unknown dijo...

Saludos, la verdad es que nos dejarias sin un buen material en español, existen muy buenos blog en ingles pero en español el tuyo es uno de los mejores, no nos dejen sin el pan del dia a dia escribiendo en ingles.

Anónimo dijo...

What face is the onion! = Que cara está la cebolla!

Anónimo dijo...

I think that's not the way, and the accent bronxolita, don't fuck malign.

1 abril -> Dia d'enganar

No te suena el conficker II.


crisis? what crisis? dijo...

Great idea for the april fools day... you should think about go on with this idea. Selling and making dollars with i64 & spectra will be easier than ever :)

May the force be with you!!

lulo dijo...

1 de abril o 28 de diciembre?? jejeje....bueno, como ya han dicho....mejoraria el inglés de todos, aunque existiendo google translator.....

Cyberkender dijo...

Happy fool's day (i hope)

RoMaNSoFt dijo...

Dear "evil man",

You don't have cocks(hones) to make it in English everyday!! :)))

Kudos for your "google-translated" today post! :)


Juan Diego dijo...

Nice try Chema,
but after your joke on Dec 28th, it won't be so easy!!!
Although, it would be a good practice, it is better in our native language.

Great blog, and greetings from Colombia.

CentOS dijo...

eeehm.. PBMM??

Pretty Bastard Mind Miss

Pa los que no, que se te va Chemaaa xDDD


agux dijo...

I think I am too late. But, its a good idea. Why don't you do it seriously? It would help us to improve our English.

I could translate them too.

selmineos dijo...

well good change

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